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Digitalizează recepția și respectă normele GDPR

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Înlocuiește caietul de vizitatori cu o experiență digitală, conformă normelor GDPR.

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This is just a demo application. No personal data is collected here, your custom Privacy Policy instead will appear here.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to familiarize yourself with its contents. If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Our services and applications may contain links to and from websites that may be owned by partner companies. If you access a link to any of these websites or use these third-party services, you should be aware that they have their own privacy policies that we recommend you review and for which we do not assume any responsibility regarding the processing of your personal data by these.

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Visidot te ajută să transformi procesul de înregistrare al vizitatorilor într-o experiență digitală, rapidă, simplă și cu o investiție minimă.

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