You have all the functionalities included.
Fast and easy!
- Up to 30 visitors / month
- Access to all functionalities
- You can cancel anytime
- Includes free contactless version
€ 49 / month
first 30 days free
- Up to70 visitors / month
- Access to all functionalities
- You can cancel anytime
- Includes free contactless version
€ 199 / month
first 30 days free
- Up to 180 visitors / month
- Access to all functionalities
- You can cancel anytime
- Includes free contactless version
None of the above is suitable for you?
Contact us, and we can discuss a personalized offer.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will receive a notification confirming that you have exceeded the number assigned in the package and the next subscription will be issued according to your needs.
You will receive a notification to confirm that the number of visitors is lower than in the selected subscription and you will be able to change the chosen package.
You can use both professional and commercial tablets. You can find our recommendations here.
From the admin interface you can add more locations and assign more entries to each. To collect data from each entry you will need to have one tablet for each.
From the administrative interface, on the Subscriptions page, you have the option to cancel any of the selected subscriptions.
After the test period ends, a Subscription Activation button will appear through which you can choose the desired package.
If you have any questions, please check our FAQ section or leave your email and we will contact you.